I've been waiting for this Camelia to bloom. I would get so excited to see a bud on this bush and I'd come back to check on it and what do you know mysteriously it was gone. Nothing frustrated me more than that. I couldn't figure out what was happening til I looked over at my freesia in a pot and my gerbera daisy and they all were dug out with holes. Either a bird or squirrel kept eating the buds on the Camelia and gerbera daisy and the bulbs in my pot, grr.. But at last it's finally bloomed and stayed through the process. Now I know it wasn't the white with red stripes Camelia like the picture said it was. Good to know. :)
So my computer is being retarded and won't let me comment on your blog! But I love your pictures from your trip AND this Camelia. I have such a black thumb. Any super easy beginner plants you would recommend? And don't you have another family blog somewhere that is private or did I make that up?